The Quiet American



The novel has been adapted to film twice, in 1958 and 2002. The 1958 Hollywood film inverted the theme of the novel, turning it into an anti-communist story instead of a cautionary tale about American interventionism. The plot of the 2002 film version, in contrast, was true to the book.[9] It was test-screened to positive audience reactions on September 10, 2001. However, the 9-11 attacks took place the next day, and audience ratings declined with each subsequent screening. Reacting to criticism of its "unpatriotic" message, Miramax shelved the film for a year.[10]


  • BBC Radio 4, Classic Serial, dramatised in 3 × 60' episodes by Gregory Evans (1990).


  • ABC Australia documentary Graham Greene: "The Quiet American"[11]

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