The Handmaid’s Tale Essays

9th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, Offred, the main character lives in Gilead, a dystopia where fertile women are solely used to reproduce children. Known as handmaids, these women are confined into prison-like centers and forced to...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In all societies exists some sense of spirituality. This may be religion or simply a sense of mindfulness and connection. While this aspect may be beneficial for communities, it may oppositely corrupt depending on in which ways it is enacted and...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

Atwood and Orwell’s differing assessments of masculinity are largely due to their differing narrative voices. Through the eyes of Offred, Atwood constructs a pointed feminist critique of masculinity as a nymphomaniacal and tyrannical animal that...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In a society of declining birth rates and morals, the people of Gilead turn to religion as a solution to their turmoil. They seek rescue in the biblical story of Rachel and Leah, and are inspired to create a society of patriarchal hierarchies to...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

Margaret Atwood uses language to help the reader understand the oppression and power relationships within Gilead. The new vocabulary used within Gilead, is both used to instill religious indoctrination into citizens and also establish hierarchy...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

“There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth” (Twain, 3). When a novel is told in first person perspective, as evident in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Handmaid’s Tale, the knowledge of the reader is restricted...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In literature, a foil character is utilized by authors to, through contrast of the characters, highlight the characteristics of the protagonist. In Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid’s Tale, Moira is the college friend of Offred and represents Offred’...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood, is a nineteen-eighty-five novel depicting the struggles of a young woman unwillingly designated to serve as a surrogate mother for a high ranking official in the totalitarian, theocratic state of Gilead,...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

Atwood writes from the perspective of Offred, the protagonist in the novel. This narrative perspective makes all the horrific things that occur in Gilead so much more visceral to the reader as we develop a personal relationship with Offred....

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In the novel Frankenstein, Victor’s single-minded pursuit for knowledge drives him further into loneliness and solitude, leaving behind his family and the ones that love him like his adopted sister Elizabeth and his father. But in the Handmaid’s...