The Island of Dr. Moreau

The Island of Doctor Moreau in popular culture

The novel has been adapted to films and other media on multiple occasions. In addition, the novel has influenced many fictional works. The following are some of the works which are related to the character of Dr. Moreau and his story:

In literature

  • Maurice Renard's 1908 French novel Le Docteur Lerne, sous-dieu was inspired by The Island of Doctor Moreau, and dedicated to H. G. Wells by its author.
  • In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel Heart of a Dog (1925) a Moscow surgeon Dr. Preobrazhensky transplants human organs into the body of homeless dog. As a result, the animal transforms into the man, Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov. In the end of the novel Preobrazhensky undergoes another operation to return him to the dog's state.
  • The title figure in Argentinian writer Adolfo Bioy Casares novel The Invention of Morel (1940), a scientific genius of questionable morality, alludes to Wells's Moreau.
  • In chapter 1 of Daniel Pinkwater's novel Lizard Music (1976), Victor watches a late-night film on TV which is identified in chapter 2 as The Island of Dr Morbo.
  • Moreau's Other Island (1980) by Brian Aldiss is an updating of the original to a near-future setting. US Under-Secretary of State Calvert Madle Roberts is cast ashore on the eponymous island where he discovers the cyborgised Thalidomide victim Mortimer Dart carrying on Moreau's work. It transpires that Dart's work is intended to produce a 'replacement' race that can survive a post-nuclear environment, and that Roberts approved Dart's funding.
  • JLA: Island of Dr. Moreau (2002) is a one-shot tale where Dr. Moreau creates an animal version of the Justice League. As in the novel they start returning to their animal behavior.
  • Dr. Franklin's Island (2002) by Ann Halam is a loose adaptation of the story, in which the eponymous scientist performs transgenic experiments upon the narrator and two other survivors of a plane crash, transforming them into mostly-animal hybrids.
  • In The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II (2002-2003), Moreau is relocated to the South Downs by the British Government, where he continues his experiments, creating a number of children's characters, such as Rupert Bear, Mr. Toad and Peter Rabbit. He is also stated to be the uncle of the painter Gustave Moreau.
  • In Moon Over Soho (2011) by Ben Aaronovitch, the investigation into the Faceless Man uncovers a deserted sex parlor which the malign wizard's predecessor had operated in the 1970s. Upon learning that it had specialized in magically-altered human "chimeras" with animalistic features, Peter nicknames it the "Strip Club of Dr. Moreau".
  • Sherlock Holmes: The Army of Dr. Moreau (2012) by Guy Adams puts Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson on the trail of several of the hybrids on the loose in London.
  • The Madman's Daughter trilogy (2013) by Megan Shepherd tells the story of Dr. Moreau's daughter Juliet. Each book is based on a different classic novel: the first book is based on this novel by Wells, the second one on Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), and the final book is based on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818).[10]
  • In chapter 61 of The Fallen (2013), book five of Charlie Higson's post-apocalyptic horror series, The Enemy, the expedition party from the museum encounters a strange set of malformed children at the biomedical company Promithios, who recite the Litany of the Law.[11]
  • The Isles of Dr Moreau (2015) in Heather O'Neill's short story collection Daydreams of Angels tells of a grandfather who, when he was young, meets an eccentric, albeit humane scientist named Dr Moreau on "the Isle of Noble and Important and Respectable Betterment of Homo sapiens and Their Consorts". Moreau's experiments involve combining animal DNA with human DNA and the story unfolds as the grandfather meets (and dates) several of these humanoid creatures.[12]
  • In Wonder Woman Chapter 76 (2016), Greek goddess Aphrodite is reading a book with the title The Island of Dr. Moreau.
  • The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter (2017) by Theodora Goss features the half-finished puma woman from The Island of Dr Moreau as one of its main characters, Catherine.
  • The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (2022) by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a novel billed as "a dreamy reimagining of The Island of Doctor Moreau set against the backdrop of nineteenth-century Mexico."[13]
  • The Classified Dossier - Sherlock Holmes and Dorian Gray (2024) by Christian Klaver

In music

  • The song Toes by the alternative rock band Glass Animals is based on the book's story.[14]
  • The music video for the song Eaten Alive by Diana Ross,[15] with Ross playing the role of the Panther Woman.
  • The song No Spill Blood by Oingo Boingo.
  • The song Island of Lost Souls by The Meteors.
  • The debut studio album by the American new wave band Devo was titled Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! (1978) from a line in the litany of the Law, spoken by the Speaker of the Law to the Beast Folk.
  • Hip Hop group House of Pain took their name from the novel.
  • The sophomore studio album by the nu metal band Tallah titled The Generation of Danger (2022) is, as stated by vocalist Justin Bonitz, inspired by the book's story.[16]

In radio

  • David Calcutt adapted the story for a BBC Radio 4 Saturday Night Theatre dramatization in 1990, with Kenneth Colley as Montgomery, Garard Green as Moreau, Terry Molloy as M'Ling, Kim Wall as Prentice and Neal Foster as Prentice's Nephew.[17]
  • Jonathan Pryce read a five-part abridgment for Book at Bedtime on BBC Radio 4 in 2008.
  • In 2017, Big Finish Productions adapted the story into a two-hour audio drama starring Ronald Pickup as Doctor Moreau with John Heffernan as Edward Prendick and Enzo Cilenti as Montgomery. [18]

In television

  • The American animated TV show South Park features a recurring character ‘Dr. Alphonse Mephesto’ (from 1997) who seems to be based on the 1996 Brando portrayal of Dr. Moreau, a mad scientist who experiments on animals and is even the president of the North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association (NAMBLA).
  • The "Thriller Bark" (2008) story arc in the anime series One Piece draws heavily from the novel. It includes a surgeon named Dr. Hogback who disappears from the public eye and begins work on animal-human hybrid zombies as well as several characters who are direct references to the Beast Folk from the novel like Absalom who has the snout of a lion, the skin of an elephant, and the combined muscles of a bear and a gorilla.
  • The Canadian cartoon series Spliced (2009–2010) is a lighthearted take on the concept.
  • In Orphan Black (2013–2017), a BBC America sci-fi/thriller series, the book plays an important role beginning in the third season. An old copy of the book contains Professor Duncan's cryptic key to human cloning. The fourth season establishes an island similar to Moreau's, called Westmoreau, referred to in the series as simply "The Island of Dr. Moreau." On the island, a Dr. Moreau type figure, P.T. Westmoreland, is the reclusive head of a mysterious and powerful scientific elite who performs experiments on human subjects. Much of the fifth season is set on the island.
  • The 2020 Japanese anime series BNA: Brand New Animal appears to have been influenced by the novel with the concept of a place inhabited by human-animal hybrids with lab experiments about the biology of the human-animal hybrids.


  • In the episode "What's Michelangelo Good For?" (1990) of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dr. Lesseau is a scientist who creates hybrids.
  • The Batman: The Animated Series episode "Tyger, Tyger" (1992) borrows heavily from the story where a mad scientist named Dr. Emile Dorian (voiced by Joseph Maher) creates the cat-like artificial lifeform Tyger, spliced the DNA of a human and a gorilla to create his henchman Garth, and turns Selina Kyle into an actual cat woman.
  • The third-season Sliders episode "This Slide of Paradise" (1997) features an island where a scientist (played by Michael York, co-star of the 1977 film adaptation) has created human-animal hybrids.
  • In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Begotten" (1997), changeling policeman Odo deplores the experimental investigation of his physiology during infancy by his teacher Doctor Mora.
  • In the episode "Brainwashed" (1998) of Pinky and the Brain, Snowball guides the protagonists to the lair of Dr. Mordaux.
  • The Johnny Bravo episode "The Island of Mrs. Morceau" (2002) features a scientist named Dr. More (voiced by Jennifer Hale) who turns people into animal hybrids where she turns Johnny into a hamster hybrid.
  • The Courage the Cowardly Dog episode "Klub Katz" (2000) is a spoof on the novel, but the victims are turned into machines instead of animals.
  • The Simpsons' annual Halloween special adapted the novel as a segment in their "Treehouse of Horror XIII" episode (2002) called "The Island of Dr. Hibbert", in which the doctor invites unsuspecting Springfield residents to his island resort, and turns them into human-animal hybrids including Homer to a walrus, Marge to a panther (in a reference to Lota from the original Island of Lost Souls movie), Lisa to a hawk, Bart to a spider, Maggie to an giant anteater, Mr. Burns to a fox, Waylon Smithers into a flamingo, Chief Wiggum to a pig, Groundskeeper Willie to an orangutan, Ned Flanders to a cow-centaur, and Comic Book Guy to a faun-themed parody of the Sayer of the Law.[19]
  • In The Mighty Boosh episode "Mutants" (2004), the zoo animals are mysteriously disappearing, and we discover that Bainbridge and Bob Fossil have been splicing the animals together in a secret lab.
  • The episode "Venture Libre" (2013) of The Venture Bros. features an island that Dr. Venture visits filled with, among other strange creatures, animal-human hybrids resulting from unethical experiments performed by unscrupulous scientists.
  • In the anime and manga series Vanitas no Carte there's an antagonistic character named Dr. Moreau, a mad scientist inspired in the same Moreau from the novel.

In cinema

  • Ile d'Epouvante (1913, The Island of Terror), a French silent film[20] (also spelled L'Ile d'Epouvante and Isle d'epouvante). The 23-minute, two-reel film, directed by Joe Hamman in 1911 was then released in 1913. By late 1913, the film had been picked up by US distributor George Kleine and renamed The Island of Terror for its release in Chicago.[21]
  • Die Insel der Verschollenen (1921), a German silent adaption directed by Urban Gad.
  • Island of Lost Souls (1932), with Charles Laughton as Doctor Moreau, and Bela Lugosi as the Sayer of the Law. In the film, Dr. Moreau creates his Beast Folk through "plastic surgery, blood transfusions, gland extracts, and ray baths". In addition, the Sayer of the Law is depicted as a wolf-like humanoid. Another addition is Lota (Kathleen Burke), a woman Moreau derived from a panther, set upon to mate with Edward (Richard Arlen), so Moreau can find out whether or not she can bear human-children. Lota was not a character from the original novel (the closest is a half-finished puma woman), but filmmakers of future adaptations apparently loved her so much, they included a feline love interest in their adaptations, which include Barbara Carrera as Maria in the 1977 version, and Fairuza Balk as Aissa in the 1996 version.
  • Terror Is a Man (1959), with Francis Lederer, Greta Thyssen, and Richard Derr. This Filipino film, directed by Gerardo de Leon, was re-released in the United States years later as Blood Creature.
  • At the age of 13, Tim Burton made an amateur adaptation on Super-8 of Wells' novel as The Island of Doctor Agor (1971).[22]
  • The Twilight People (1972), starring John Ashley and with an early role for African-American actress Pam Grier, is Eddie Romero's version of the original story.
  • The Island of Dr Moreau, a 1977 film with Burt Lancaster and Michael York. In this film, Dr. Moreau injects the animals with a serum containing human genetic material. The Sayer of the Law is depicted as a humanoid wild boar.
  • The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996), a New Line-produced film with Marlon Brando, Val Kilmer, David Thewlis, Fairuza Balk, and Ron Perlman. In this film, Dr. Moreau introduces human DNA into the animals in his possession to make them more human. The film's version of the Sayer of the Law is depicted as a blind sheep/goat-like hybrid. Unlike the books and earlier films, the Sayer of the Law survives the ordeal and sees off the main protagonist.
  • The sequel Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (2002), a lunatic scientist named Romero (portrayed by Steve Buscemi) creates miniature hybrid animals on a mysterious island where technology fails to work. Unfortunately, some of them grow upon being discovered to an experimental growth formula, causing Romero to remain in his lab to avoid being eaten. These creations include Spider Monkeys (a half-monkey half-spider creature with a drider-like appearance), Slizards (a lizard with a snake head and neck), Sporks (a pig/stork variation of a flying pig), Turtleroos (a creature with the head and shell of a turtle and the body of a kangaroo), Bullfrogs (a cattle with the hindquarters of a frog), Catfish (a cat with the head and tail of a fish), Horse-Flies (a horse with the head and wings of a house fly), Sheepdogs (a sheep with the head and legs of a bulldog), and Tiger Sharks (a tiger with the head and back fin of a bull shark). After having been briefly captured by Donnagan Giggles, Romero is confronted by his creations who don't eat him as he had feared. The hybrids help thwart Donnagan's plot to use the Transmooker, where the Spork snatches it and a Slizzard eats it.
  • The film Dr. Moreau's House of Pain (2004), made by cult horror studio Full Moon Pictures, is billed as a sequel to the novel.[23]
  • The 2013 film Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 shares similarities with the novel.
  • Christopher Lambert plays Dr. Moreau in the 2018 Italian horror film La Voce del Lupo.[24]

In gaming

  • In the 1997 video game Fallout, a grossly mutated human by the moniker of "Master" shares similar characteristics with Doctor Moreau, including his original surname.
  • Dungeons & Dragons has an antagonist named Frantisek Markov who lives on an isle in Ravenloft (1983–2021) where he experiments on animals to make them human.
  • The 2000 video game Metal Slug 3's first mission is an island called "Pallas Island" which was also called "Dr. Moreau's Island" featuring mutated animals albeit as a result of nuclear experimentation.
  • The 2003 strategy video game Impossible Creatures, centered around creating armies out of animal hybrids, was largely inspired by the novel.
  • Vivisector: Beast Within is a Ukrainian developed first-person shooter game released in the CIS in 2005 and later in the rest of Europe in 2006. The game is heavily inspired by the novel, originally developed as a Duke Nukem title.
  • The video game Champions Online (2009) features Dr. Phillippe Moreau, the grandson of Dr. Henry Moreau and member of the terrorist organization VIPER (short for Venomous Imperial Party of the Eternal Reptile). Phillippe used his technology to perfect his father's work where he created the Manimals.
  • Doctor Merlot, the main villain of the 2016 game RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, is heavily inspired by Doctor Moreau.
  • Resident Evil Village (2021) features as one of its primary antagonists a mutant named Salvatore Moreau. In-game journal entries describe his experiments on other human subjects with the same parasitic organism that caused his grotesque transformation.
  • Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (2005) features Dr. M as the game’s main antagonist, who has turned the island housing the Cooper Vault into a private fortress, complete with mutant animal guards patrolling the island. Dr. M is himself an anthropomorphic mandrill, who has grafted his own body with cybernetic machinery to allow him to control his mutant creations.
  • In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) Tomas Moreau, a character in the game, attempts to reverse witcher mutations on his son. Instead, the experiments strengthen the mutations, making Jerome less human.
  • In the Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC (2013), pilot Jeff "Joker" Moreau makes a reference to the book in a fictional story he tells about defeating a number of soldiers, in which he says "You just landed on the island of Dr. Me!"
  • In Honkai: Star Rail, the character Ruan Mei is a scientist who creates life forms to try and find the origin of life and her creations would eventually form their own civilisation in Seclusion Zone in Herta Space Station.

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