Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 Book 1 Background

Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 Book 1 Background

Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 is a young adult novel written by Richard Paul Evans, and was published by Simon Pulse in 2011. The novel follows action and science fiction themes, with elements of supernatural powers.

This novel revolves around the life of Michael Vey, a teenager who is socially outcasted and suffers from Tourettes Syndrome. He quickly discovers that he is no ordinary being and instead has electrical powers that are being sought by the evil Dr Hatch, who aims to use all individuals with these powers, the Glows, for his purposes. The novel focuses on Michael taking the stance of the leader of the electrician and coming in his own.

The book is part of a heptalogy and was met with many positive reviews, even making the New York Times Bestseller List for Children's books. It was also a best-selling book by Barnes and Noble.

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