College Application Essays accepted by Georgetown University

Georgetown University

My pencil sketches of human head sculptures filled countless pads of paper. Desperately, I tried to recreate in each face the intangible aspects of emotion that continuously eluded me. I drew faces over and over, telling myself that with more...

Georgetown University

“You’re not the boss of me!” my younger brother taunts as I attempt to make him return a toy that he took from our youngest sibling. Meanwhile, another brother sits on the couch, laughing at all of the commotion going on. As the instigator of this...

Georgetown University

About six years ago, my mom decided to go back to school to pursue a degree in nursing. Every day when I would return home from school, I would be welcomed by the sight of her sprawled out on the couch surrounded by a mountain of textbooks and...

Georgetown University

When I’m on my drumline, I can sense the power of rhythm; drums show me how a consistent rhythm can guide people to work in unison. Our drumline requires the extremely cautious cooperation of nine of us at once, so it has sharpened my ability to...

Georgetown University

As a child, one of my favorite moments in the year was watching the daily parade at the Big E with my family. Seeing the brightly colored floats drive brought me indescribable joy. Candy flew out of windows, classic cars honked their horns, and...

Georgetown University

In the corner of my room sits my grandfather’s diary: soft, well-worn, and cracked. The first entry, written in English, is dated “June 1st, 1970,” in the halting, elaborate script of a man accustomed to Bengali. The last entry, dated “November...

Georgetown University

Unlike most people I know, I’ve never been disappointed by a meal at a restaurant. It’s hard to believe, but if there’s anything I’ve got a knack for, it’s picking food off of a menu. Here, for the first time ever, I intend to share my most...

Georgetown University

Trenton isn’t really one city—it’s two. The first Trenton runs between North Broad Street and West Hanover Street, and there’s a government building on every block: gleaming façades, Grecian columns, security checkpoints every few feet. The second...

Georgetown University

I’m hiking in the woods with a friend and suddenly, he stops and asks me “which way is north?”

“That way,” I say as I point correctly towards north.

Very often, I can pinpoint my exact location on a map and have a sense of direction with limited...

Georgetown University

As we biked past our neighborhood’s many red and blue election signs, my friends began relentlessly mocking the uselessness of voting in the upcoming election when the same old parties win every time. We left the signs behind in the dust, but my...